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August 12, 2024

5 Sermons on Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Open the Bible App

Forgiveness is an essential part of the Christian life. We need God’s forgiveness and we are called to extend forgiveness to others. But how can we forgive others who have hurt us? How can we pursue reconciliation, restoration, and healing? These sermons on forgiveness from Pastor Colin Smith will help you see that in Jesus Christ, we have hope.

1. God’s Forgiveness from the series Six Things to Ask of God

Jesus taught us to pray, “Forgive us our debts.” What debts do we have that need to be forgiven? Why do Christians need this prayer? Aren’t we already forgiven? Pastor Colin talks about the point of this prayer.

Related Resource: A Prayer for Forgiveness

2. Cultivating Forgiveness from the series Momentum: Pursuing God’s Blessings in the Beatitudes

The Bible tells us that we are to forgive one another as Christ has forgiven us (Ephesians 4:32). Does forgiveness seem like a hurdle that’s too big for you to overcome? God has gathered everything you need to know about forgiveness in one place in the Bible. Pastor Colin shows us where.

3. Praying for the Person Who Causes You Pain from 7 Words from the Cross

Have you ever wondered what Jesus was doing while he was on the cross? Was he gritting his teeth… or fantasizing about getting revenge on his tormentors? Discover the startling answer in this sermon based on Jesus’ prayer from Luke 23:34, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

4. Grace from the series The Life of David

The great rebellion is over. The king is coming back. But when David returned there was less than reconciliation, less than restoration, and less than reward. In this message, Pastor Colin talks about the joy and restoration that will come with the return of King Jesus. This is an especially encouraging sermon for those struggling with guilt, those experiencing loss, or those burdened by their own weakness.

5. Forgiven and Reconciled from the series Snapshots of a Godly Life (on the life of Joseph)

How do you get to the place of reconciling with someone you’ve had a falling out with? Pastor Colin talks about how reconciliation happens and what it looks like from the story of Joseph.

For more of Pastor Colin’s biblical teaching, follow us on YouTube, the Open the Bible app, or by searching “Open the Bible” in your favorite podcast app.