Daily Devotional Details


Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.  (1 Peter 4:10NIV)

God has a place for you in the ministry of the church.  Every Christian has received a gift from God.  Peter says, “The time is short,” so make sure you find that place, you use that gift, and then do what you do with all your heart.

If you have a gift of hospitality, open your home to others gladly, without grumbling.  If you are a speaker, remember that what you are teaching is the Word of God.  If you are serving in some other capacity, do it in the strength God provides.  God will sustain you in everything he calls you to do, for as long as he calls you to do it.

Peter has a vision for the whole church here.  Do you see it?

  • There are highly resistant people all around, and very soon they will have to give an account to God.  They need to hear the gospel, so that when they die they can live.
  • God has called you to be his servant.  But you aren’t much use to him as long as you are messing around with sin.  You have done that long enough.  God calls you to live the rest of your earthly life for his will.  You don’t have time for anything else.
  • The church doesn’t have much time.  We’ve been called to bring the good news to all people.  When the church sees that the time is short, then we will pray and love and serve.  Who knows how many highly resistant people will live to thank God that we did.

Do you know what gifts God has given you?  Are you using them?
