Daily Devotional Details


For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son. (Romans 8:3NIV)

The disease of sin has taken away our capacity to follow God’s law.  Sin has rendered us powerless, incapable of living lives that are pleasing to God.  That’s why we need the rescue.  And here’s the good news: God has taken the initiative himself, and he did this by sending his only Son into the world.

[tweet_box design=”default”]Sin has rendered us powerless, so we need God to take the initiative to save us.[/tweet_box]

Al Mohler, the president of Southern Baptist Seminary, expresses well the widespread confusion in our world today about the kind of rescue we need:

The culture tells us that the problem is ‘out there’ [in the world], and that the answer is ‘in here’ [inside of us].  But the gospel says exactly the opposite: The problem is ‘in here’ [our sinful nature] and the answer is ‘out there’ [in Jesus Christ].

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all involved in this rescue.  The Father sends, the Son atones, and the Holy Spirit empowers.  The Father justifies us through the work of his Son, and he sanctifies us through the work of his Holy Spirit.

What if God had not taken the initiative to send his Son, Jesus Christ, into the world?  What do you think that would mean for you?

the initiative