Daily Devotional Details


God’s flock that is under your care. 1 Peter 5:2 (NIV)

One of the exciting things that is happening today is that there is a new interest in community. After years of hyper-individualism and consumerism, a generation has grown up without deep and secure relationships, and they’re hungry for authentic community.

That’s good news. But, remember, every authentic community will reflect all the struggles of the individuals who make it up. Do you struggle with greed, pride, insensitivity? Then expect to see it in the church.

Many people look at the church and say, “I don’t like what I see.” But if you are honest, you would probably have to admit that when you look in the mirror you have the same problem. If you’re fighting a battle with your own selfishness, pride, and greed then you have to expect that others around you will be in precisely the same position.

So in our search for community, let’s try to be realistic. The Christian church is not a club for nearly perfect saints, rather it is a hospital for recovering sinners. The church is filled with people who are at all stages of the recovery process.

Respond to the statement: “Every authentic community will reflect all the struggles of the individuals who make it up.”