Daily Devotional Details



“If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.” John 7:37

Notice that Jesus does not say, “If anyone thirsts for God or for righteousness.” He simply says, “If anyone thirsts.” The invitation is unrestricted.

The whole world is on an unrelenting quest to find peace and happiness. If you have not yet found the peace, satisfaction, and joy you long for, then go to Jesus and drink.

Why do some people spend money and other people save money? Why do some people court danger and others avoid it? It’s the same motive. We all do whatever we think will lead to our greatest happiness.

Blaise Pascal wrote, “All men seek happiness… without exception. Whatever different means they employ, they all tend to this end. The cause of some going to war and of others avoiding it is the same in both, attended by different views. The will never takes the least step but to this object. This is the motive of every action of every man, even of those who hang themselves.”

What do you think will make you happy? Even if you are looking for happiness in all the wrong ways, you are included in Jesus’ invitation. Jesus does not say, “If you thirst for the right things, come to me and drink.” He simply says, “If anyone thirsts.” If you are full of pain, full of resentment, far from God and deeply unhappy, this invitation is for you. If you are in the grip of lust, envy, greed, ambition, or some other great thirst in your soul that’s driving your life, Jesus invites you to come to Him.

The only person who is not included in this invitation is the person who is completely satisfied. If you are happy and as fulfilled as you could ever imagine being, this invitation is not for you. But if you feel that there is more joy than you have yet discovered, Jesus is inviting you to Himself.

Do you think Jesus could make you happy? Why or why not?