Daily Devotional Details


“Well done, good and faithful servant.”  Matthew 25:21

All of us want to hear the voice of God say, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” but what does it mean to be good?  What does it look like to be faithful?  A good starting place to answer these questions is to ask yourself: What is my dream? 

For many people the dream is to work as hard as you can, to earn as much as you can, and to play golf as well as you can, while you go on living in a nice place for as long as you possibly can.  What’s your dream?  The apostle Paul says his dream is to “know [Christ] and the power of his resurrection” (Phil. 3:10).  That’s a different dream.

On the day of Pentecost, Peter, quoting the words of Joel the prophet said, “When the Holy Spirit comes your old men will dream dreams.”  There’s the evidence of the Spirit: Older people with great dreams for the advance of the gospel.

Then Joel said, “Your young men will see visions.”  There’s the work of the Spirit: Young men and women gripped by the vision of a life that is laid down on behalf of others in ministry and service – world evangelization and church planting!  Lord, give us more old men and women with dreams and more young men and women with visions!

Have you enthroned Christ as the Lord of your dreams?