Daily Devotional Details


“Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Matthew 21:22

Would you consider making it your goal this year to grow in the areas of faith and prayer? That may sound like two goals, but it is really one. For where faith grows, prayer follows. The greater our confidence in God, the more we will ask of him.

Our prayers are the clearest indication of what we really think about God. If you don’t think your king is great, you won’t ask him for very much. But if you have a great king, you will ask him for great things. Looking at your prayers will tell you how much you have really grasped about God.

Let’s take some examples. Here’s Kathy—she prays for all her family and all her friends. Kathy knows that God cares for each individual, but she has not yet grasped that God cares for the world. When she does, her prayers will become broader.

Here’s John—he has a well-organized file for his prayer requests. He brings many needs to God, and he even tracks the answers, but he has not yet grasped that God is the sovereign Lord who is to be worshiped. When he does, he will enter a deeper communion with God in prayer.

Here’s Ben—he is a Christian, but he doesn’t really pray much at all. Ben believes that God saves people through Jesus Christ, but he doesn’t really believe that God does anything much in people’s lives. When he does, he will begin to pray.

Wherever you are in your prayer life, may you grow in your confidence and in your ability to ask great things of God and expect great things from God.

What do your prayers reveal about what you really believe about God?