The body apart from the spirit is dead. James 2:26
Your soul matters because your soul is the source of all your achievement. Think about everything that is important in your life, and you will say, “Yes, that came from my soul.”
Think about music. Where did the symphony or classic rock come from? They came from the soul of the composer, or the soul of the musician who wrote it.
Think about art. The ability to depict beauty came through the hands of the artist, but where did it come from? It came from the soul of the artist.
Think about science. Why have women and men pursued science? Where did that come from? It comes from a desire in the soul to know, to explore, to discover, and to understand.
Think about business. If you were to pick up and read one of the many books today about the great companies of the world, you would discover that they were all born out of some kind of vision. Where did that vision come from? It arose from the soul of a leader.
Then think about sports. You may say, “Surely sports depend on the body.” But James says, “the body apart from the spirit is dead” (Jas. 2:26). Every great sports achievement has come through relentless commitment, disciplined desire, and the determination of the athlete, which, of course, comes from the soul of the athlete.
Your soul is what gives direction to your body. All that you achieve in life, everything that is achieved in the world, will arise from the life of the soul.
What are some things you’ve achieved in your lifetime?