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December 23, 2019

10 “Even Though” Moments in Scripture

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All throughout scripture, God seems to do the unthinkable, with the most unlikely people, in the most impossible of circumstances. There tends to be a pattern that God tells us in His Word: “Even though *this circumstance*, my purpose is accomplished.”

Look at just a few of the many of these from Scripture in both the Old and New Testaments and go read the passages for yourself! He is the same God today and is working within us with this same power.

Here are 10 “Even Though” moments:

1. Even though Abraham and Sarah were far beyond childbearing age, God gave them a child to fulfill His promise. (Genesis 18:13-14, 21:1-2)

One of the promises of God to Abraham was that all the nations would be blessed through him. How could all the nations be blessed through him if he had no children? But God promised—so even though this seems impossible to us, it is not to God.

Scripture tells us that Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born. How remarkable it is that God rules over our difficult circumstances and makes His way.

Trusting God is so tough when we are in a waiting season. When you are tempted to give up while you wait, look at the examples in scripture of God’s faithfulness to deliver, even when the circumstance seems to point otherwise.

2. Even though building an ark seemed odd, it saved Noah’s family and God’s faithfulness was revealed. (Genesis 6:11-14; 7:22, 6-7)

God told Noah to build an ark because a flood was coming to destroy the people and the earth. Noah obeyed him. All the people around him must have thought Noah was crazy for building an ark big enough for animals of every kind to take shelter in, for many years!

Don’t you think after a while of building and waiting Noah would have questioned if he had heard God correctly? Doubts and disbelief must have crept into Noah’s mind to try and get him to stop obeying God.

But by God’s grace, Noah endured and in the end God was right about the flood He was bringing, and He saved Noah and his family just like He promised.

3. Even though all of Job’s possessions and health were taken, he stayed faithful to God. (Job 1:13-22)

Job was faithful to God and served Him. Even so, he suffered tremendously. Job knew though that his suffering was not worth comparing to the blessing of following God. What an example this is, to serve and stand firm in our faith in Jesus Christ no matter the circumstance or suffering.

Our earthly life is going to fly by quicker than we can imagine, and what is eternal will last. This present suffering is going to be a blink of an eye when compared to the glory of being with Jesus Christ in heaven forevermore.

4. Even though David was small and unlikely, he slayed the giant. (1 Samuel 17:49-50)

David was put up against a giant Philistine. Why would God call small David with no sword in his hand? Surely, he would be crushed in a moment! Surely David must have felt weak, inadequate, and powerless, but Scripture tells us that David killed this giant with only a sling and a stone. David may have been weak, but God sure was strong within him.

God’s strength resides in us when we feel weak against our sin. Jesus Christ became a man to experience all that we do as humans – therefore His strength is sufficient to strengthen us because he knows our battle.

5. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.”(Psalm 23:4)

When we walk through trials and pain, we don’t need to fear. God is with us! He is our shepherd and He is the Lord. His sovereignty guards us. We are no longer bound to fear and chained to despair in the darkness; but we have Jesus who is our light and salvation, and He will strengthen us through whatever we are waking through no matter how great the pain is.

6. Even though there were five loaves of bread and two fish, 5,000 men and their families ate their full with food leftover. (John 6:1-14)

When the disciples saw the crowds and their lack of resources, they were overwhelmed and knew there was an unsolvable problem. But when they looked to Jesus, the problem was solved and the Lord provided. There is never too large of a lack that God cannot provide.

But similar to before, God will be glorified whether that means He provides, or He doesn’t intervene. If He doesn’t intervene, it doesn’t mean that he can’t, but that it’s not in line with his will. Know that He is able. He is infinite in resources, while we are finite in ours.

7. Even though Jesus was put to death, He was raised from the dead. (Matthew 28:6)

God’s power is able to do the unthinkable—raise the Lord Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah from the dead to fulfill His ultimate plan from before the foundation of the world. This is the God we serve!

8. Even though Paul was a persecutor of Jesus and the church, his heart was turned and God saved him. (Acts 9:1-19)

God can change any heart, even the hardest stone heart that you know of. The beauty of the Gospel is that Jesus is the only savior of sinners and He is all-powerful, not incapable to save because the coldness of one’s heart. His power is able to turn the greatest wretch into a radical lover of Jesus.

Do not despair over an unbeliever who seems the farthest away from the Lord anyone could be, but instead pray with confidence that God can change their heart; and rest in the peace of God’s sovereignty over their life. It is not your job or their job to save, but the Lord’s.

9. Even though Peter was in chains and bound by guards, he miraculously escaped from the prison. (Acts 12:5-19)

This striking miracle could simply only be done by the Lord. Peter had an impossible jail circumstance; but God is not subjected to the soldiers bound to Peter with two chains, nor the sentries guarding the prison door, nor an iron gate!

Praise God that our seemingly impossible circumstances are no match for our great God. In your seemingly impossible circumstances, God is able to change them. However, He may not change them. But the reality that He can change them should encourage your heart in this way: if He is not intervening, then you know it is for your ultimate good that you must persevere through this trial.

If he does change your situation, then you know that was more glorifying to Him, but if He doesn’t, then that is more glorifying to Him. Trust Him.

10. Even though we are sinners, God came to save us. (Romans 5:8)

The most wonderful news is that while we are still sinners, Christ died for us. What grace this is! We do not deserve this gift, yet God gives it to the most unlikely. If He can save you, he most certainly will keep you; and if he will keep you, He will most certainly give you strength as you follow Him. He will use your life to glorify Him.

What is the commonality in all these things? The power of God. And, God works through our obedience: our obedience to trust him within the most impossible circumstances, the obedience to rely on him even in the toughest of times, and the obedience to worship him even when the most evil and unexplainable things happen to us. In all these things, we can trust in him.

Brothers and sisters, cling to Christ today. What circumstance in your life must you say “Even though …  I will choose to obey God”? What act of obedience is God calling you to do in regards to that circumstance? Trust, wait, go, worship, seek, give, submit? Seek God today through His Word and in prayer, and wait upon him. He. Is. Faithful.

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Krista Paolino


Krista is deeply devoted to God’s Word and takes a proactive stance to ministry leadership, discipleship and evangelism. She began participating on mission’s teams with The Orchard at an early age and quickly felt a call on her life to serve long-term on the mission field. She recently received a Business Finance degree from Indiana Wesleyan University where she was actively involved in campus ministry. Krista is serving as a Missions Resident at The Orchard – Barrington. Learn more about how to support Krista and follow her on social media.
Krista is deeply devoted to God’s Word and takes a proactive stance to ministry leadership, discipleship and evangelism. She began participating on mission’s teams with The Orchard at an early age and quickly felt a call on her life to serve long-term on the mission field. She recently received a Business Finance degree from Indiana Wesleyan University where she was actively involved in campus ministry. Krista is serving as a Missions Resident at The Orchard – Barrington. Learn more about how to support Krista and follow her on social media.