Our Father, we bow before You and ask that, by Your Spirit, You will bring us to the place where we are truly able to pray from the heart, ‘Your will be done.’
You know how strong our own wills are. You know how hard we find it to submit to Your way for our lives. Lord, strengthen us to desire and to do Your will.
We pray in regard to what You have kept secret (Deuteronomy 29:29). We look at our country and our world and we wonder what You are doing. In the noise of contradictory voices, advance your redeeming purpose even as You did through the clamor around the Cross.
Help us to trust You when it is hard to understand what You are doing. Help us to know and believe that You reign supreme in all things, including the things we do not understand.
Father, we pray that You will help us to grow in discernment, (Romans 12:2). Lead us on the path of wisdom and guard us from making foolish decisions. Help us to think clearly and to weigh correctly. Give us the humility that seeks and hears the wise counsel of others. Help us to be vigorous in ruling out what You forbid and ruling in what You command.
Father, we thank You that our Savior knows the intensity of our struggle when Your will conflicts with our desires. Give us strength to believe Your promises, embrace Your commands, and bear the burdens You call us to carry.
We pray that You will help us to do Your revealed will fully, gladly, and immediately. Help us to love You with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength. Help us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Help us to make disciples of people from every background, and to seek the good of people from every race. Save us from being unhappy Christians. Deliver us from the sinful habit of complaint. Help us to rejoice in You, to be constant in prayer, and to give thanks in all circumstances.
Save us from thinking of prayer as a means by which we can get You to do our will. Make us more like Jesus. Teach us to say, “Your will be done’ through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
This prayer is adapted from the sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer, Six Things to Ask of God. You may also enjoy the article What does it mean to pray ‘Your Will Be Done’?.