Daily Devotional Details



“He who has been forgiven little loves little.” Luke 7:47 (NIV)

Simon invited Jesus to his home for a dinner party, but when Jesus arrived Simon gave Him a cool reception. He could have washed Jesus’ feet, but he didn’t. He could have welcomed Him with a kiss, but he didn’t. He doesn’t serve Jesus, love Him, or honor Him.

And Jesus says to him, in effect, “Simon, you invited me to your home, but you don’t feel there is much I can do for you that you can’t do for yourself. You don’t think you need to be forgiven much, so you don’t love much.” Simon’s problem was a diminished sense of need.

Let’s go into the soul of a man like Simon who loves little and listen to the conversation. The board members gather around the table. Mind has called the meeting because he’s been reading God’s Word and he wants to talk with the other board members about it.

“I’ve been reading the Bible,” says Mind, “and it says we’ve been forgiven.”

“None of us is perfect,” says Conscience, “but we’ve done our best.”

Conscience turns to Memory. “I’ve told you everything I know,” says Memory. “Our man had a few tantrums growing up, but other than that, he’s done rather well.”

Mind turns to Heart, “What do you feel about this forgiveness thing?”

“No one has given me anything to get excited about,” says Heart.

Everyone looks at Will, who replies, “I’m not doing anything until you give me something worth acting on!”

Many good church people are exactly like Simon. They have welcomed Jesus, but they love little, and they don’t think that they’ve been forgiven much, so their souls shrivel.

In what way(s) do you most relate to Simon?