“My beloved is mine.” Song of Solomon 6:3
As a Christian, you can say, “Christ is mine!” There’s strength, peace, confidence, and security in that. “My beloved is mine. Christ is mine. I am in him. He is in me. And none of this is in doubt.”
Jerry Bridges says, “Early on, my concept of God’s love was a mere logical deduction: God loves the world; I’m part of the world; so God loves me. God’s love was a big umbrella to protect us from his judgment against sin, and along with others I was under it. There was nothing personal about it. Then one day I realized, ‘God loves me! Christ died for me.’”
Have you come to this place? It’s life changing! That’s what the apostle Paul is talking about when he says, “The Son of God… loved me and gave himself for me!” (Gal. 2:20). Christ had you in view when he came into the world and when he died on the cross, and when he rose from the dead. Right now, he has you on his heart at the right hand of the Father, and when he comes again in glory it will be to get you, and to take you into the nearer joy of his presence.
This is one of the greatest things about being a Christian. Jesus is always for you, always with you, always working for your good. Let this be your strength and your light, your hope and your joy. You can say, “My beloved is mine!”
Think of all the other things in this world of which you would say, “Mine.” All other gifts in life are given to you for a time. They have a beginning, a middle, and an end. You can say “Mine” in reference to your home, your work, your money, or your loved ones. But when you say of Christ, “My beloved is mine,” you can know for sure that he is yours forever.
Are you enjoying the love of Christ?