Jesus said to his disciples “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake.” Luke 8:22 (NIV)
Consider the situation that led Jesus to ask the question: “Where is your faith?”
The disciples were in a boat crossing the lake of Galilee when they ran into a storm. Some were probably thinking: Who got us into this mess? Whose idea was this anyway? Luke tells us quite clearly who got them into this mess. It was Jesus!
But the way the disciples respond to Jesus is a model of obedience: “They got into a boat and set out” (8:22). This is a wonderful example of disciples walking in step with the Master, and Jesus leads them right into a storm!
This is the opposite of the story of Jonah. God called the prophet Jonah to go to Nineveh, and Jonah didn’t want to go, so he got on a ship going in the opposite direction and sailed right into a storm. Disobeying Christ can lead you into a storm, but so can following Christ.
Anyone who has set out to achieve something for Christ, or stands up for the name of Jesus in the public square, will quickly find that it is true. Any student or businessman who sets his mind and heart on integrity… any pastor or missionary who consecrates himself to the Scriptures… any Christian who says, “I am not content to listen to Christ’s teaching, I want to put this into practice,” will discover that Jesus leads his people into some pretty big storms.
Think about the experience of these disciples. Life with Jesus was many things, but it was never quiet. The Christian life involves a sustained conflict with the world, the flesh, and the devil. If you are looking for a comfortable life, don’t follow Jesus. He’ll get you into a storm!
Are you looking for a comfortable Christian life?