“I am my beloved’s.” Song of Solomon 6:3
This is a marvelous statement of complete self-giving. Are you able to say this with regard to Christ? When you see the love of Christ for you, this will be your response.
What could possibly hold you back from giving yourself without condition or reservation to Jesus Christ? What would you be afraid of when he loves you as he does?
If you are still holding out on Jesus Christ, you are showing by your reluctance to give yourself to him that you have not yet discovered his love. The reason that you are not yet his is because he is not yet yours. And the reason he is not yet yours is because you are not yet his.
Christ stands at the door of your life and knocks. This Savior who loves you stands outside of your life and he waits to be invited in. When he becomes yours, you will become his. You will be able to say of Christ with all the family of God, “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.”
What a blessing it is to go through life knowing who you are and to whom you belong. We go through life facing so many demands—work, family, children, and church. How do you keep all the balls in the air? Sometimes you come to a place where you find yourself saying—“Who am I am, and what in the world am I supposed to be doing?”
Here’s where you begin: “I am my beloved’s. That’s who I am. I belong to Christ, and that’s the most important thing about me. And Christ is mine. That’s how I’m going to face the challenges of my life this week. Christ is with me; Christ is for me, and Christ will never let me go.”
Would you like to take this step today? Will you invite him in?