[Jesus] was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit, through whom also he went and preached to the spirits in prison who disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah. 1 Peter 3:18-20 (NIV)
What does this have to do with us today? The same Jesus who was put to death in the body and was made alive by the Spirit (in His resurrection)—that same Jesus spoke by the Holy Spirit through Noah.
Those highly resistant people did not listen, and that is why their spirits are in prison today. But you need to know that Christ spoke to them through Noah. When Noah spoke, his words were as the words of God to them. Jesus spoke through him.
This is teaching us something very wonderful. The Lord Jesus Christ speaks in every age by His Spirit, through His people. When Noah spoke God’s truth, Christ spoke through Noah’s words. Let this be an encouragement to you today, if you are a Christian believer. When you speak about Jesus, Jesus speaks through you.
When you sit with a friend and draw the bridge diagram on a napkin in McDonald’s, that’s how God speaks. When you seize the opportunity to put the good news of Jesus into words for a colleague at work, that’s how Jesus speaks.
How will God’s voice be heard at Motorola or United Airlines? When you speak about Jesus, Jesus speaks through you. How are highly resistant people at Allstate or Walgreens going to come to glorify God? As those who have been born again learn to act redemptively, pray effectively, and then speak courageously in the places God has put us.
Where is Jesus speaking through you? Do you believe that He could?