Daily Devotional Details



“Lord, if it’s you… tell me to come to you on the water.” Matthew 14:28 (NIV)

There are a number of places in the world that are so beautiful, so rich that there is a sense in which, even if you have been there many times, you cannot see it all. Even if you’ve visited that place hundreds of times, you never grow tired of it.

If the angels of heaven cannot take in the full extent of the glory of the Lord, be assured you will spend eternity gasping at fresh views of His magnificence.

When Peter saw the glory of the Lord on the lake, and grasped what Christ can do, his faith grew. Peter asked, “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water” (14:28).

Peter was still not sure if this was a mirage or a psychological trick, but Peter believed that if Jesus was able to suspend the laws of gravity for Himself, then He was able to suspend the laws of gravity for him, as well.

Notice, it does not say that Peter saw Jesus walking on the water, and so he jumped out of the boat and said, “Anything you can do, I can do better!” Rather, Peter said, “If it is you, tell me to come to you on the water.”

Peter’s conviction was not that he could do anything Jesus could do, but rather he could do anything Jesus told him to do. That’s a very important distinction. If you attempt to walk on water, you will become extremely wet.

Peter believed in Jesus and in His power, but he wanted more than a theory. He wanted more than a statement of faith about what Jesus could do. He wanted to try it for himself and to know what the power of Christ could do for him.

Are you ready to press beyond theories about Jesus? Are you ready to try it for yourself and know what the power of Jesus can do for you?