Daily Devotional Details


When he [the Holy Spirit] comes he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment. John 16:8

Two teenage boys were downstairs after school one day. When their mom finished cooking dinner, she called out, “Dinner’s ready!”

You know what happened next: The boys immediately turned off the television and the computer and came upstairs smiling, “Thank you, Mother, for preparing this wonderful meal!”

No, what probably happened is… absolutely nothing! Their mom called out again, “Dinner’s ready!” Then a third time, but still no response. Then she turned to her husband and said, “You go get ’em!” So, he went downstairs, “Dinner’s ready. Didn’t you hear your mom?”

Think about this picture: Throughout the Old Testament, God’s Word had been going out. God was speaking through the prophets. But now, God the Father says to the Son, “You go get ’em.” So, Jesus came into the world, and He preached the good news. But He did more than that. He also came and got us! Thank God that in Jesus Christ, God has come downstairs to get us.

But how do people come to Christ today? When the gospel is proclaimed, the Father and the Son say to the Holy Spirit “You go get ’em.” God’s Spirit lays hold of people through the Word: “You have to repent and believe. The time for you to do this is now!”

You’ve heard the Word of God, but has the Holy Spirit laid hold of you? What changes are happening in your life? Are you following Christ? Can you say that He has set you free?

This is what happened to Simon and Andrew. This is what happened to the troubled man in the synagogue. This is the experience of every true Christian.

What effect is the Word of God having in your life?