The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” Luke 17:5 (NIV)
It is possible not only for individuals, but also for a church to believe the right things, and yet to have very little faith.
If ever there was a moment when we need to grow in faith this is it. The church is being stretched in new ways to trust Christ more fully, to love Christ more deeply, and to follow Christ more closely.
The world desperately needs to see what living faith looks like, and the only place they are going to see it is in actual communities of believers who trust Christ even though they cannot see Him, who love Christ even when they are facing great trials, and who follow Christ with joy even when it is costly.
The result of this kind of faith will surely be that some people will say, “Who is this Christ who inspires such love, such trust, and such sacrifice? I want to know Him!” A church with bare belief will never have that kind of impact; a church with true faith will.
Would you join the people of God in asking two things: “Lord, increase my faith. Lord, increase our faith.”?