When Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. Luke 1:41
This whole scene is full of joy. Every mother knows that near the end of a pregnancy you are going to get some movement. But this is more than a kick! Elizabeth says, “When the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy” (1:44).
We also see Elizabeth’s joy: “Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit” (1:41). How much joy is there in that? Moved by the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth pronounces blessing over Mary: “Blessed are you among women … blessed is the fruit of your womb … blessed is she who believed” (1:42, 45).
Maybe you would say that you believe in Jesus, but somewhere deep in your heart, you feel that the way to happiness is to be the lord and master of your own life. Confessing Christ won’t decrease your joy; it will increase your joy! Confessing leads to rejoicing, and you will find greater joy with Christ as your Lord than you could ever find by being your own lord and master.
Elizabeth and Mary were facing enormous difficulties. Both of them were pregnant and poor. One of them wasn’t married; the other had a husband who lacked faith. But these women have joy! Their joy is in the coming of Jesus. Their joy is that, however difficult life may become, God is for them and with them, and all his purposes will be fulfilled. This is the joy of those who say to Jesus, “You are my Lord.” And this joy can be yours!
Are you facing difficulties today? Are you experiencing the joy that comes from confessing Jesus as your Lord?