Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. Luke 2:19
Mary stored up all that had been revealed to her about Jesus. She added up what was said to her by the angel Gabriel, and then Elizabeth, and now the shepherds.
The angel said of the child to be born: He is “the Son of God.” Elizabeth, speaking by the Holy Spirit, called him “my Lord.” Now the shepherds report an announcement from heaven that the one born to Mary is “a Savior.”
Mary puts these things together. She adds them up. She looks at the child: Son of God! Lord! Savior! One testimony added to another, each one confirming and expanding what had been revealed before. Mary treasured up these things, and she pondered them in her heart. She stored up all she had come to know about Jesus. He is Lord and he is Savior.
Mary pondered what it would mean for this child to be her Lord and her Savior. That’s how faith is born and that’s how it is nurtured. You trace out the implications of what has been made known about Jesus.
I have a Savior. That means I have hope. It means I can have peace. It means that my sins and failings are not the end. There is forgiveness for me. There is rescue for me. There is hope for me in Jesus Christ.
I have a Lord. That means I am not my own. I am not here to fritter my life away doing my own thing. God has a purpose for my life, and I am accountable to him to fulfill it. There is purpose for me in Jesus Christ.
Take some time to treasure up and ponder what it means for Christ to be your Lord and your Savior.