With my voice I cry out to the Lord; with my voice I plead for mercy to the Lord. I pour out my complaint before him; I tell my trouble before him. Psalm 142:1-2
The best thing to do with a broken heart is to pour it out in the presence of God. The prescription for doubts that arise because of disappointed hopes is the spiritual discipline of honest confession.
God has preserved passages like this because you need to know that when your heart is broken and your dreams are shattered, he wants you to bring the pain, the disappointment, and the questions to him.
When a relationship comes under strain, you need to talk with the other person directly, and Jeremiah gives us a wonderful example of this. He says some terrible things, but at least he says them to God. The man has a relationship with God. It may be a relationship under strain, but it is a relationship nonetheless.
The Psalms are full of honest expressions of disappointed hopes, unanswered questions, unresolved pain; and God has preserved them in his Word, because they are an important part of authentic Christian experience.
Are there some disappointed hopes, unanswered questions, or unresolved pain that you need to bring directly to the Lord today?