“The one who has the bride is the bridegroom.” John 3:29
Picture a woman who is destitute. She has made some poor choices and run up debts that she cannot pay. She is alone in the world. No one cares for her.
One day she meets a man who takes an interest in her. The dysfunction of her life makes her back off. But eventually the man wins her heart, and after some time, he asks for her hand in marriage.
What her life will be, if she accepts his proposal, depends entirely on who this man is. Suppose for a moment that this man is a king! The moment they are married, all her debts will be absorbed by the king and paid off.
When this destitute woman is married to the king, she becomes the queen. She has no royal blood in her. She was not born to this, but the moment she is married to the king all the privileges of royalty become hers because she has become his!
You may say, “That sounds like a fairy tale! Why would any king be interested in a destitute woman?” This is the amazing truth of the gospel: The Son of God, in all his glory, loved us and gave himself for us! “Though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich” (2 Cor. 8:9).
The greatest love you will ever know in this world is the love of Jesus Christ. Any love you have been blessed with in this life is a pointer to this immeasurable love Jesus Christ has for you.
Does this love sound more like a fairy tale or the greatest love in the world to you?