Daily Devotional Details


“We will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” Acts 6:4

What you believe about the secret power of sin will shape your convictions. People who have an optimistic view of human nature tend to have an unrealistic view of missions and evangelism.

There’s the informational view: “All we need to do is tell them.” There’s the friendship view: “All we need to do is to love them.” Then there’s the environmental view: “All we need to do is connect them.” All of these are necessary; none of them is sufficient.

Salvation is always accomplished by a miracle of grace—by the breath and splendor of Christ. So missions and evangelism must have at its center proclaiming Christ’s splendor and praying for Christ’s breath. That’s why the apostles said, “Whatever else goes on in the church, we must give ourselves to the ministry of the Word and to prayer.”

This must be the priority for every pastor, for every missionary, and for every Christian who wants to see sinners won to Jesus Christ. It is certainly not the only thing, but it is the central thing.

So then, our witnessing is proclaiming His splendor—explaining why Jesus Christ is compelling to us. Jesus said, “I, when I am lifted up… will draw all people to myself” (John 12:32). So don’t attack another person’s lifestyle. Lift up Jesus—tell others what you’ve found in him.

And as you proclaim Him, pray for His breath. Pray that the Lord will not blow the wind that destroys, but the wind that heals. Proclaiming Christ’s splendor, praying for Christ’s breath—anything less is like treating cancer with aspirin.

What have you put at the center of your witnessing? Why?