“I put my hand over my mouth.” Job 40:4 (NIV)
In a nutshell, this is how Job responded to his encounter with Almighty God. It is very different than his attitude toward God beforehand!
What is your prevailing attitude toward God right now?
Is it one of complaining? Is it questioning? Or is it resenting?
What would your prevailing attitude be if you saw his glory?
You would have complete confidence in him for the future. You would be able to trust him in what you do not understand now. You would love him for who he is, not just for what he does.
If you saw his glory, your prevailing attitude toward God would be faith, hope, and love! That would make you a different person. Your attitude toward God is the deepest thing about you. It goes all the way to the core of your being.
If your prevailing attitude toward God is one of questioning, complaining, and resenting, that will spill over into your relationships with your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, and your colleagues at work. People will feel that resentment bubbling up from within you. The mouth speaks out of the overflow of the heart.
Your attitude toward God is the most important thing about you. If you are to change from the inside out, this is the thing that must change first. Lasting change doesn’t come by trying to change. Lasting change comes by growing in the knowledge of God. Holiness grows through our knowledge of the Holy One.
How would you describe your prevailing attitude toward God right now?