The first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. John 2:11
Christ manifested his glory. The question is—to whom? Who saw Jesus’ glory? Mary, who asked of Jesus, did. The servants, who obeyed Jesus, did. The disciples, who followed Jesus, did.
But the emphasis in the story is not so much on the people who knew what Christ had done, but on the people who were completely unaware of the blessing they had just received: “The master of the feast tasted the water now become wine, and did not know where it came from” (2:9). (As far as we can tell, the bride and groom did not know either!)
The master of the feast does not know that the good wine is a gift from Christ, so he gives credit in the wrong place. He calls over the groom and says to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first… But you have kept the good wine until now” (2:10).
Most of the guests went home that day completely unaware of the glory that had been manifested. Back at work on Monday, when asked about the wedding: “Oh, it was beautiful! The bride looked marvelous, and they had some really good wine, especially toward the end.”
There was a wedding filled with guests, who enjoyed the best wine, directly from the hand of Christ. But they didn’t know where the gift had come from. Christ remained in the background throughout this story. The guests were absorbed in the joy of the wedding. All they saw was the servants, hard at work serving this marvelous wine. They enjoyed the gift without knowing the giver.
Have you ever received a blessing, but were unaware of it until much later?