Daily Devotional Details


“Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Matthew 14:28

Peter is still not sure if this is a mirage, or a psychological trick, but he believes that if this is really Jesus, then Jesus is able to suspend the laws of gravity not only for himself, but for Peter as well.

Peter believed in Christ and in his power, but he wanted more than a theory. He wanted more than a statement of faith about what Jesus could do. He wanted to try it for himself. He wanted to know what the power of Christ could do for him.

Peter’s conviction is not that he can do anything that Jesus can do, but rather that he can do anything that Jesus is telling him to do. This is a very important distinction. If you attempt to walk on water, you will become extremely wet, because Christ has not called you to do this, and so you are incapable of doing it.

When Christ calls you to do a thing, you can do it. That’s what Paul means when he says, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13). Augustine caught the spirit of this when he said: “O Lord, command what You will, only give what you command.”

Peter understood that if Christ wanted him to walk on water, then this would be possible for him. So he said, “Tell me to come to you on the water,” and Jesus said, “Come!” (14:28-29). All credit to Peter. This is one of the highest moments of his faith. He stakes everything on the Word of God. If Jesus said it, then I believe it, and that settles it.

Do you want more than a theory about what Jesus can do? Tell God you want to try it for yourself. Tell him you are ready to step out in faith.