Daily Devotional Details



In the same way, good deeds are obvious, and even those that are not cannot be hidden. 1 Timothy 5:25 (NIV)

If this is you, remember that God sees what others have missed. Jesus said that even a cup of cold water given in His name will receive its reward (Matt. 10:42). The judgment of God that should bring fear to those whose sin is secret should also bring comfort to those whose good deeds are hidden from view.

William Barclay wrote in his commentary on 1 Timothy: “There are some whose good deeds are plain for all to see, and who have already won the praise and thanks and honor and congratulations of men. There are others whose good deeds have never been noticed. They have never been appreciated, never thanked, never praised, never valued as they ought to have been. They have always been taken for granted.”

If you have not received the honor that is due for your good deeds, remember the Lord Jesus Christ. When the Son of God, who is worshipped by angels, came into the world, we could not honor Him with a bed in which to be born. Christ extended Himself in ministry, often to the point of exhaustion, and yet He was dishonored.

He went about doing good and yet was constantly slandered. They called Him “Beelzebub” and said that He was demon possessed, a drunkard and a glutton. This is the world for you, and the world never changes. But the world never has the last word. God does. God vindicated our Lord Jesus and exalted Him to the highest place, so that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord (Phil. 2:9-11).

Have your good deeds been taken for granted? Do you see how you are like your Lord in this? Reflect on the truth that God sees what others have missed.