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September 16, 2024

5 Sermons on Work and Vocation


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Since a big percentage of our lives is dedicated to work, it’s vital for Christians to understand what the Bible has to say about work. Your work matters to God! The following sermons on work by Pastor Colin Smith will help you learn to work for God’s glory.

1. Work from the series Wisdom for Life (on the Proverbs)

In this sermon, Pastor Colin looks at how you can be a more productive person before unpacking the great biblical motive for work: love.

Related Articles: The Profile of an Unproductive Person and How to Be Productive According to the Bible

2. Your Work Matters More Than You Think from the series The Surprising Influence of a Godly Life

Pastor Colin explores the work of lesser-known Bible character Obadiah and what it can teach us. Obadiah worked in a dark place but was called to godly influence. If you work in a place hostile to Christianity, this sermon will encourage you.

3. The Urgency of Willing Work from Living Like There’s No Tomorrow (1 Thessalonians)

Whether you do housework, homework, woodwork, or office work—whatever kind of work you do—what does God think of it? Pastor Colin talks about the purpose of work from 1 Thessalonians 4.

4. Blessed and Successful from the series Snapshots of a Godly Life

God blessed Joseph in his work and caused Joseph to be a blessing to others. The world wants to have the blessing of God, but cannot. Pastor Colin talks about how God’s blessing comes to us.

5. Pursuing What is Right from Staying the Course When You’re Tired of the Battle (2 Thessalonians)

If you knew Jesus would return in 7 days, would you go to work this week? Your answer to this question gets to the root of what you really believe about your work. Pastor Colin talks about what some people in the Bible said. This message will help you persevere when you’re discouraged.

Related Article: A Prayer for a God-Honoring Work Life

For more of Pastor Colin Smith’s biblical teaching, follow us on YouTube, the Open the Bible app, or by searching “Open the Bible” in your favorite podcast app.