C. H. Spurgeon is widely held to be one of the greatest preachers of the 19th century. I would recommend getting your hands on anything and everything of his that you can find. His lively faith in Jesus, his love for the Word of God, his timeless illustrations, and his engaging character come through loud and clear, even in the “thee’s” and “thou’s” of his old English writing.
The spelling of “Cheque Book” aside, this unusual book from Spurgeon is a rare jewel. Imagine God having all of His resources—all of His power, all of His strength, all of His comfort in a great bank account. And God writes checks that we can cash in. That’s what the promises of God are. They are His resources being made available to us.
What Spurgeon has done in this little book (that is shaped just like a checkbook) is that he has chosen one promise for every day of the year. Under each day’s verse (that contains the promise), Spurgeon includes two or three paragraphs to help us apply the promise to our lives. You could read each of the 365 days of this Christian classic in less than two minutes.
Here are just ten of the many gold nuggets you will find sprinkled throughout Spurgeon’s fine book:
10. My own weakness makes me shrink, but God’s promise makes me brave.
9. Let the reader lay this passage [of Scripture] on his tongue, and keep it in his mouth all the day, and it will be to him as a wafer made with honey.
8. No physician like the Lord, no tonic like his promise, no wine like his love.
7. Heaven, where Jesus is, will be our honorable mansion, eternal bliss our honorable portion, and the Lord himself our honorable companion.
6. Worry kills, but confidence in God is like healing medicine.
5. He who gave parents a love for their children, will he not listen to the cries of his own sons and daughters?
4. Who would not be much in prayer when he knows that he has the ear of the King of kings?
3. Tribulation in and of itself worketh petulance, unbelief, and rebellion. It is only by the sacred alchemy of grace that it is made to work in us patience.
2. The Lord keeps his people as a rich man keeps his treasure.
1. God loves because he is love, he frowns because it is necessary for our good.
Get your copy of C.H. Spurgeon’s Chequebook of the Bank of Faith: Daily Readings this month for a donation of any amount.