Gary and Mary Kay Rumbold are grandparents to 35 grandchildren and five adult children. Together, they have a heart to immerse their family in the transforming truth of the gospel and leave a lasting legacy of faith.
Like the Rumbolds, you can be ONE person making an exponential difference for the gospel.
By choosing to invest in their grandchildren’s’ lives, Gary and Mary Kay are making an exponential difference.
An Eternal Investment
Once a week, they spend quality, one-on-one time with each of their children and grandchildren, learning, discussing, and living out God’s Word. “Anybody who knows my parents knows…they’re very passionate,” says their daughter, Sheri Nafziger. “It didn’t surprise me that they wanted to do it.”
The resources they use come from Unlocking the Bible, including the Unlocking the Bible Story series. Mary Kay comments about the series, “It gave us an opportunity, from beginning to end, first of all to show the story of the Bible, but secondly…Christ is portrayed from Genesis to Revelation.”
“We’ve seen a lot of fruit from it,” says Gary, “and [the grand-kids] apply it on a daily basis, not only at home, but definitely at school where they will actually challenge kids at school about what they’ve learned.”
A Solid Faith
Mary Kay believes that success would be her grandchildren having personal relationships with Christ, sharing their faith with others, and carrying it throughout their college years and beyond.
Gary agrees: “It’s been so much fun and so exciting to be a part of their lives and be involved with what they’re doing, and sometimes grandparents don’t get a chance to do that.”
For Gary and Mary Kay Rumbold, it’s as simple as buying breakfast for their grand-kids. What can you do where you are?
Because ONE makes an exponential difference.