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A Flight Through the Bible Story

A Flight Through the Bible Story: Session 2

5 Events from the Life of Christ

This session shares the key events from the life of Jesus Christ as shared in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

A Flight Through the Bible Story - 5 Events from the Life of Christ - Teaching (audio)

PDF Transcript: You can read the transcript here under “Teaching.”

Teaching Outline:

  • Birth
  • Temptation
  • Death
  • Resurrection
  • Ascension

Use these optional questions to further engage with God’s Word in personal reflection or a group discussion:

Core questions:

  • In which of the 5 events do you most clearly see the love of God for us? Why?
  • What do you think is the greatest accomplishment of Jesus’ life on earth?
  • What are one or two ways in which you see Jesus differently than you did before going through this session?

Questions to Go Deeper:

  • How can we say that Jesus defeated death? How does that connect to Genesis 1–3 at the beginning of the Bible story?
  • What hope does Jesus’ resurrection and ascension give to believers today?


  • Summarize the importance of each of the five events of the life of Jesus:
    • Birth
    • Temptation
    • Death
    • Resurrection
    • Ascension


Respond to this teaching in prayer:

  • Praise God for sending His Son to meet the our deepest needs!
  • Confess how sin has warped your life and view of God.
  • Ask God to open your eyes to the greatness and glory of Jesus (Ephesians 1:18) so that your life would be a greater reflection of His.
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