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March 17, 2020

10 Quotes from A.S.K. by David Robertson

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The book A.S.K. Real World Questions / Real World Answers, is a very unremarkable read… until you are staring a teenager in the face and he or she asks you a difficult question about God. Then author David Robertson and his book will be transformed into a treasured friend.

A.S.K. book
A.S.K. is not the kind of book you finish reading, set it down, and say, “Wow!” But it has all the ingredients you want if you’re looking for spiritual help for a younger person you care about. It is biblical, theologically sound, straight forward, friendly, insightful, and wise.

Each chapter is four pages or less, it has a question (asked by a real teenager), a Bible passage, an answer, a question to consider, a suggestion for further reading, and a prayer. Here are my top 10 quotes from this solid book for teens.

10. On Our Questions

We all have questions about Jesus, the Bible, the Christian faith and our culture today. The great news is that Jesus gives answers. (7)

9. On Great Stories

What if all great stories throughout the world are reflections of the greatest story of all – the story of the Bible and above all the story of Jesus? (28)

8. On Nature & Scripture

God has given us two books – the book of nature and the book of Scripture. They don’t contradict each other. (40)

7. On Knowing God

What if God has made himself clear? What if, instead of hiding, he has revealed himself? What if the problem is with us, not him? (44)

6. On God’s Thoughts

God’s thoughts are like the drops of water in the ocean. They are too numerous to count and beyond compare. We will bathe in them for all eternity. (61)

5. On the Cross

The cross is a mystery. It is horrible and ugly. It is foolish. It is offensive. And yet it is by the foolishness and offensiveness of the cross that we are saved. So for us, it is beautiful. (70)

4. On Belief in Hell

The person who teaches most about hell, is the loving, gentle, and compassionate Jesus. The only reason I believe in hell is because Jesus does – and I follow Jesus. (79)

3. On Relationship with God

It is clear that religion does depend to a large extent on your culture, your environment, your family and where you were born. But your relationship with God does not. (120)

2. On the Internet

The Internet is a great servant, but a terrible master. (177)

1. On the Church

To have a church without preaching and teaching is like having a restaurant without food. (213)

Tim Augustyn

Pastor of Ministry Resources

Tim serves as the resident pastor, writer, and editor of Open the Bible. He was born and raised in northern Wisconsin, came to faith in his 20s while working in the business world, and received a Master’s in Divinity from Trinity International University. He is author of the children’s book Man on the Run, and co-author of The One Year Unlocking the Bible Devotional with Colin Smith. Tim and his wife, Janna, and their four kids live in Arlington Heights, Ill.
Tim serves as the resident pastor, writer, and editor of Open the Bible. He was born and raised in northern Wisconsin, came to faith in his 20s while working in the business world, and received a Master’s in Divinity from Trinity International University. He is author of the children’s book Man on the Run, and co-author of The One Year Unlocking the Bible Devotional with Colin Smith. Tim and his wife, Janna, and their four kids live in Arlington Heights, Ill.