Video Notes:
Christian business person, what will keep you faithful, as you move from city to city, from hotel to hotel, anonymous and often lonely? Common sense? Will power? Enlightened self-interest? Your best defense against sin is to give your heart to the Lord.
Wounded Christian, what will keep you from sliding into bitterness, self-pity, and ultimately hardness of heart? What will keep you from that? Self-discipline? A sense of duty? Your best defense against these horrible, ugly sins is to give your heart to the Lord.
“My daughter, my son, give me your heart!” God is calling us to do something today that is going to make a difference to the trajectory of our lives this week. Giving your heart to the Lord is ultimately the only way to guard you from the reckless life that breaks the boundaries and leaves you with the miserable fruits of impurity and indulgence.
Giving your heart to the Lord is ultimately the only way to guard you from a shriveled life that lives within the boundaries, but leaves you miserable, because you only stayed there out of fear and caution. “My son, give me your heart!”
Where would your sinful heart lead you this week if you did not place it in the hands of Jesus Christ today? The only safe place for your heart is in the hands of the Savior. “My Son, my daughter, give me your heart.”
Taken from Pastor Colin’s sermon “The Heart Set Right.”