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Pray the Bible

Pray the Bible: Session 1

Why Prayer Matters

Drawing from Jesus’ masterclass on prayer (the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:9–13), this session will share seven reasons why prayer matters. The Lord’s Prayer is foundational because it helps us look at prayer from God’s perspective; He’s the One we pray to, and His perspective is the only one that matters.

Pray the Bible - Why Prayer Matters - Teaching (audio)

Why Prayer Matters PDF Transcript

Discussion Questions:

  • Do you ever functionally forget why prayer matters? Or put another way, do your actions ever show that you forget about prayer? Why does that happen?
  • How did this teaching expand your view of God? Are you ever tempted to view God as a boss, an ATM, or an impersonal force like in Star Wars? How should viewing God as Father change your perspective?
  • Which of the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer is the easiest for you to pray? The hardest? Why? Which do you need the most?
  • React to the fact that God invites you to pray for provision, pardon, and protection.

Discussion Questions PDF

Respond to the teaching in prayer:

  • Rejoice in Who God is and all He has done in giving us the invitation to come to Him in prayer!
  • Repent of a lack of faith, prayerlessness, and a cold heart toward God.
  • Ask God for a greater faith in Him, love for Him, and desire to invest your life in prayer.
  • Ask Him to use this course in great ways.

Resources To Go Deeper:

Article: How the Lord’s Prayer Can Help You Overcome Your Prayer Struggles by Kevin Halloran

Articles: What does it mean to pray ‘Your Will Be Done’? and 4 Ways God Answers Our Prayers for Deliverance by Pastor Colin

Sermon Series on the Lord’s Prayer: Six Things to Ask of God by Pastor Colin

Session 1 content was adapted from Chapter 1 of When Prayer Is a Struggle: A Practical Guide for Overcoming Obstacles in Prayer (P&R, 2021).

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