Daily Devotional Details


“After I am raised up, I will go before you to Galilee.” Mark 14:28

What about Judas? He wasn’t with the disciples in Galilee. He had already taken His own life. The problem for Judas was not that he committed a sin too great to be forgiven, but that he would not come to Christ for forgiveness. Don’t let that be true of you.

Jesus went on ahead of them to Galilee, but they had to come to Him. Peter and Judas stand before us as two men who failed Christ. Peter was restored, so no one should ever despair. And Judas was lost, so no one should ever presume. If you will not come to Christ in repentance and faith, then you are identifying with Judas. This can happen while you’re sitting in church (at a distance from Christ). Not one person who turns to Christ in repentance and faith will ever be turned away.

The risen Lord has a wonderful invitation for you: “Come to me with all your sins and all your guilt. You haven’t watched or prayed, and you’ve fallen into temptation. It makes you feel like you’re at a distance from me, like a scattered sheep, and that’s what you are. But it was for these things that I went to the cross and paid the price. I did this for you, and for all who will come.”

Stop running from Christ. He’s gone ahead of you, not to Galilee, but to heaven, where He is at the right hand of the Father. Come to Him in repentance and faith today, and He will restore you.

Today, do you identify with Peter, who came to Jesus in repentance and faith? Or do you identify with Judas, who refused to do so?