The righteous flourish like the palm tree… They are planted in the house of the LORD; they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age. – Psalm 42:12-14
Don’t miss the wise counsel that can be gleaned from the story of Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz.
Wisdom for those who are older. Stay close to those who love you. Take an active interest in others, especially younger members of your family and the children of your friends. Anticipate blessings that are yet to come. God’s work would continue beyond Naomi’s lifetime. There was more fruit from her faith, her prayers, and her service that was still to come.
Wisdom for those who are younger. Never underestimate the blessing you can bring to older people God has placed in your life. You can bring them great joy. You can be a nourisher of their old age. And if you truly follow Jesus and walk in the truth, you will bring them the greatest joy.
Wisdom regarding in-laws. Boaz brought blessings not only to Ruth but also to Naomi. Sinclair Ferguson has this helpful comment: “Boaz recognizes that love for a woman implies responsibilities towards her family. While marriage involves a new family unit… he does not abandon either his or his new wife’s family. ‘Love me, love my family’ is part and parcel of marriage—even when families are difficult.”
God has not left you without a Redeemer. And this Redeemer will be to you the restorer of life and the nourisher of your old age. Stay close to Him and you will be blessed, even in your later years.
Think about specific ways you can bless those who are younger or older than you. If you are married, think
about ways you can bless your in-laws.